It’s no secret that the housing market has exploded in the last year and a half. 2021 has been the hottest home market Sky Valley has seen. Ever.
We’ve compiled a few national 2021 housing trends and we have a sneak peak to show you what’s coming to Sky Valley this year!
Keep scrolling and find out:
2021 Housing Market Trends
Now Offered: The Loft Floor Plan
Sneak Peak of Homes Coming in 2022
Featured Homes Sold!
National housing Trends
Recent home sales according to this report have shown rising interest in vacation home properties.
This was a national study that surveyed 1,205 counties (145 of which were vacation home counties) and found that the pace of sales was significantly higher in vacation home counties.
According to national data, the overall number of existing homes sold from 2018 to 2020 remained steady.
The first part of 2020 saw a sharp decline followed by a pandemic housing surge culminating into a huge year for buying and selling homes in 2021.
According to the Statista Research Department, the 2021 median price of new homes in the US has risen from $389,400 in 2020 to $408,800 in 2021 — that’s nearly a $20,000 increase!
Did you know?
This reflects current market pricing. A getaway at Sky Valley is the smart way to own a vacation home!
The Loft home now offered!
The Loft Home floor plan has more space, quality kitchen upgrades and large windows.
Loft for extra storage space, workspace, entertainment center, or extra sleeping space for friends or grandkids
Upgraded counter top, appliances and sink
Large living room windows
High living room ceiling
How to buy your home
Get in touch with a home consultant — Call (760) 329-2900 ext. 2
Ready for the next step? Call a Sky Valley home consultant at (760) 548-4114 ext. 2
If you’re thinking about buying…
If you’re thinking about buying a home at Sky Valley, don’t wait. The home market is moving quickly!
Due to supply chain issues caused by COVID, we have a limited number of homes and we are struggling to keep up with the demand for vacation homes.
We’ve got a couple homes coming in this winter and spring — Let us know ASAP if you’re interested in getting your name on one of these!
Pre-Order Options
When you pre-order your home, you get to choose how it looks! Pick your cabinet style and hardware, get the counter tops you want and choose your flooring. Plus, you’ll be able to add windows, solar tubes, appliances and more!
Below are some examples, but reach out to us to find out if there are more options!
Cabinet Choices
Counter Tops
Hard Flooring
Sneak peak of homes coming in 2022
Below is a sneak peak of two of the homes coming in 2022, but we have more on the way! Interested in customizing the options in one of the homes on order? Let us know ASAP!
Getaway #60
Getaway #898
Why Sky Valley?
Play the video to hear why some of our residents love it here!
“What keeps drawing us back is the people”